Producing Live DVDs with SONAR

Trev-Wilkins--Scadge-ProducFrom time to time, Engineer and Owner of Scadge Productions, Trev Wilkins gives us a brief update on his travels on the road and in studio. Here’s the latest:

It’s been a long time since I updated the blog but (fortunately) that’s due to being very busy.

The Albert Lee and Hogan’s Heroes DVD, Live in Rome, should be on sale now (everywhere!) after being completely mixed and tweaked in SONAR.

There’s another live album still in progress for Neil Innes (the 7th Python) and his reformed band Fatso from their anniversary tour. It includes a wide range of material that I recorded during the tour including Monty Python and Rutles songs. Currently residing in a SONAR folder, it should be out early next year.

We’ve just finished part II of the Raymond Froggatt Live DVD which should be going to press very soon. The band liked our setup so much that they’ve purchased SONAR and will be recording some material for their next album in our studio.

Continue reading “Producing Live DVDs with SONAR”

From The Studio, To The Moon!

SONAR users, Tim Tully and Kathy Marty, make learning fun for the whole family with Universe Productions’ DVDs on outer space.  

Journey through the galaxy from your seat on the sofa with The Universe, a wondrous video tour through space.  Experience over 200 amazing astronomical phenomena as seen through the lenses of the Hubble, SOHO, TRACE, and other NASA orbital telescopes.  Watch Saturn change seasons, stars being born and see galaxies from the dawn of time, complemented by an amazing surround sound music score and narration.

Also released by Universe Productions is a DVD just for kids (ages 4-9) about the wonders of space. With The Astropuppies In Space: An Amazing Adventure for Young Astronauts, blast off on an incredible adventure from the moon to the sun and out to the planets. Join the Astropuppies on their quest to meet real astronauts on an exciting Space Shuttle launch, as they visit the remarkable International Space Station, and go on an amazing space walk.

Read reviews for these titles and pick up a copy at

When in Rome: Produce Live Music

From time to time, Engineer and Owner of Scadge Productions, Trev Wilkins, gives us a brief update from his travels on the road and in studio. Here’s the latest:

“After several weeks of hard work, we’ve now got the audio for the DVD of Albert Lee and Hogan’s Heroes- Live in Rome, all mixed and mastered and ready to go on to the video.

The whole process was done in SONAR 8 and involved much automation and editing as the show was recorded completely live using regular ‘stage’ mics. None of it was set up specifically for recording and I just took the signals from Direct Outs on the live console. Hopefully, the DVD will be available soon so I’ll post an update when I know that it’s on sale.

We took a few photos to mark the occasion. Back left, is Gerry Hogan (pedal steel player) with Brian Hodgson (bassist) from the band, who mixed the sound with me. They’re just about to start their tour and with Albert receiving another Grammy award they’re heading for another great year.

After working solidly for weeks now, I’m hoping to get this weekend off. Our next project is with Neil Innes as we help him prepare for his tour of the USA.”

To read all of Trev’s updates, visit: