NAMM 2012 Backstage Pass: SONAR X1 Music Production Live Demo

Live from NAMM 2012 at the Cakewalk booth in the Roland arena, Cakewalk’s Mike Trujillo demonstrates creative music production and recording techniques with SONAR X1 Production Suite.

Mike’s demo features SONAR X1 Producer Expanded’s Browser, Track Templates, Matrix View, FX Chains 2.0, ProChannel, Session Drummer 3, and more. Plus he lays down tracks with Rapture and Z3TA+ 2, records guitar, and captures a Matrix View performance in this dynamic, unique, up-beat demonstration that’s packed with information for the initiated and uninitiated alike.

Upgrade to SONAR X1 or or find a dealer to become a new user today.



NAMM 2012 Backstage Pass: Scoring Music for Film in SONAR X1

Live from the Cakewalk booth in the Roland arena, learn why SONAR X1 rocks for film scoring as Shawn Clement (Quantum Quest) shares his favorite SONAR X1 tips, tricks, and features.

In the video Shawn talks about his process of writing and delivering music for film and TV and how SONAR features like Track Folders, Track Templates, and FX Chains 2.0 help his creative process.

Upgrade to SONAR X1 or find a dealer to become a new user today.


Cakewalk Artists on Both PC and Mac Are Off to an Enormous 2012

Cakewalk Artists on Both PC and Mac are off to an Enormous 2012

We are well on our way into 2012 and many artists relying on various Cakewalk products are off to an enormous year.  I’ve been fortunate enough to have spent some time with most of these artists recently, and even more fortunate to have worked with a few in some creative capacities using SONAR X1 in the recent past.  There are some common threads that these artists share, but I think the most important element is that they are all working ridiculously hard in their own circles.

Murray Daigle

[Toronto, ONT, Canada]  Murray Daigle is a very talented Canadian Producer/Mixer/Songwriter out of Toronto Canada.  He just relocated to a new space in Toronto and opened a new studio running SONAR X1 Expanded.  A big “congratulations” goes out to him on a “Certified Gold” record for Neverest’s track “About Us” along with a SOCAN #1 Award (co-written and mixed on Cakewalk Sonar X1.)  Murray also produced and co-wrote other tracks on the Neverest release which came out in January and is already working on material for another release later this year. Continue reading “Cakewalk Artists on Both PC and Mac Are Off to an Enormous 2012”

NAMM 2012 in pictures

Winter NAMM 2012 was a huge success for Cakewalk. For the second straight year, we were located in the Roland Arena with a great location right by the entrance. We got to meet a lot of new, existing, and potential users. In addition, we had great demos from some of our favorite Cakewalk artists (and even some special appearances). We also got to show off SONAR X1 Production Suite, the new ProChannel Concrete Limiter, and Cakewalk instruments like Z3TA+ 2, Dimension Pro, and Rapture. We wish everyone could have joined us for the show, but here’s a recap that hopefully makes you feel like you were there. Continue reading “NAMM 2012 in pictures”

Cakewalk at NAMM 2012 – Roland Arena (booth #7400)

If you’re heading to Southern California for NAMM this year be sure to stop by the Cakewalk booth, where we have many exciting presentations planned featuring some very special guest artists. And if you can’t make it in person, don’t worry, we’ll have something for you too.

Demonstrations will take place at the Cakewalk booth starting at the bottom of each hour (10:30 AM and so on). A number of these will feature Cakewalk staff displaying the full power of SONAR X1 as the tool for modern music creation and production. You’ll see music develop from blank slate to fully produced using SONAR’s cutting edge features and blisteringly fast workflow. We’ll create and produce tracks showing the wide-range of features available in SONAR X1 Production Suite including Z3TA+ 2 and all the latest ProChannel modules.

Continue reading “Cakewalk at NAMM 2012 – Roland Arena (booth #7400)”

Hollywood Undead: On the road and writing with SONAR X1 Expanded

It’s two weeks into the tour and Hollywood Undead’s guitarist/vocalist/music creator J-Dog is without his tour laminate.  “All the dates are on the back of the laminate,” he says in a calm voice and smiling, “so it looks like I won’t know where I’ll be heading for a while.”  It could be a good thing, because J-Dog doesn’t need any distractions as his mind is set on a few specific targets; gearing up [already] for the next record, and giving Hollywood Undead fans everything the band has to offer on this tour.

The band, who currently are working on SONAR X1 Expanded for their next record are fighting through what is known in the industry as the “Sophomore Slump,” and winning.  “You can’t let your guard down for a minute these days.  You have to keep on working and keep your head on straight in order to stay in the game,” J-Dog tells me in a candid conversation.  “Even though our new record is doing well and the touring is killer, we have to keep it moving to the next record.” Continue reading “Hollywood Undead: On the road and writing with SONAR X1 Expanded”

Ron Cote and Pristine Productions Utilizing SONAR X1 with Chart-topping Rock Acts

When it comes to SONAR, many of us often just think of recording and creating music for one medium, but there are many people out there using it in other ways.  Pristine Productions is a company based out of Philadelphia that has been using SONAR for many years to record Major Label artists; only not in the traditional sense…

Week-in and week-out, Ron Cote and his crew are found working with some of the biggest names in the business such as Shinedown, Disturbed, Stone Sour, Staind, Avenged Sevenfold and most recently, the undeniable Adrenaline Mob who are currently making a huge mark in the rock world.  When I say “working with” I am talking about a platform beyond recorded music that extends into the depths of capturing the whole “concert experience” on video.  Ron is hired by Major Labels and directly by bands to go into the trenches and capture those moments that give us all goose-bumps; those moments where a guitar solo just sounds way better than it did on the studio version of the song; or those moments where the lead singer delivered an inspirational melody he/she should have put on the studio record. Continue reading “Ron Cote and Pristine Productions Utilizing SONAR X1 with Chart-topping Rock Acts”