Introducing the Transform Tool
SONAR’s new Transform Tool gives you full sculpting power to create more feel and expression in your MIDI instruments — a SONAR Platinum exclusive.
Why the Transform Tool Is Transformative

Scale, stretch, and ramp selected controller data using the Transform Tool’s intuitive controls—even warp data in time within the selection. And the Transform window automatically follows your selected MIDI notes to align controller edits to note start and end times—how easy is that?
Choose crisp, precise edits at a selection’s beginning and end with the Transform Tool’s hard mode, or blend the selection organically with nearby data (conceptually similar to crossfading audio clips) with soft mode.
And don’t be concerned about drawing over data unintentionally—mask mode lets you redraw controller data only within the Transform window, and nowhere else.
Preserve Expression when Editing
Monophonic string, brass, synthesizer, and other instruments often have unique behaviors with overlapping notes—like slurring from one note to the next, or adding portamento effects that “blur” notes together. The Transform Tool ignores notes that overlap with the end of your selected notes, thus preserving the expressiveness associated with note attacks.
But Wait, There’s Much More in 2017.04!
Thanks to your feedback on the 2017.03 release, we’ve added several MIDI editing enhancements to the re-designed PRV. You can read more about these features here, but one of our favorite tweaks is that the new TAB-to-note feature now auditions the note—so as you tab to select notes (or move notes up or down), you’ll hear them play.
MIDI controllers are the key to making electronic instruments expressive—and with the SONAR Platinum Transform Tool, you’ll find MIDI controller editing faster, simpler, and more efficient than ever.
Oh man… so your blog web site has caught the dreaded font enlargement virus too. I hope you recover soon.
Looking forward to this awesome release! Congratulations!
I have fixed this on my end with the Add on called Stylish. I have changed for this website the font (for this website only) so that, for me, this page displays in Arial 14 point.