Cakewalk Pro User Spotlight: Comic Book Heroes

CBH Photo PlainAfter starting a band at 11 years old, five years ago, and with hundreds of shows from coast to coast under their belts, Comic Book Heroes is finding national success on their own terms.

This hard working suburban rock band’s recent successes include: “Catch Me If You Can” their Top 15 single on Radio Disney and an iTunes Discovery Download (earning 161,500 downloads), selection for Taco Bell’s Feed The Beat tour (2010), featured music & videos for ESPN / NASCAR Season (2010), top ranking artist on Radio Disney for “Next Big Thing” (2008 / 2009), “Catch Me If You Can” in heavy rotation on AOL Pop Radio (2M weekly listeners), a music video in rotation on the Disney XD channel, and additionally a featured music video on FUSE TV.

Visit Comic Book Heroes MySpace page to their music!

Gift Ideas & Special Offers for Musicians

gift guideThis holiday season, Cakewalk has a gift (or a few) for you! Need help finding the perfect gift for the music lover in your life?

Click on over to Cakewalk’s Holiday Gift Guide for great ideas and special offers. Save big on popular products from Cakewalk, Native Instruments, IK Multimedia and Notion to name a few. After all that hard work shopping for others, reward yourself with free plug-ins, awesome discounts on PCAudioLabs computers and much more.

Plus, when you make a purchase at the Cakewalk store before December 24, 2009, you may be eligible for FREE Shipping! Don’t forget to place your order by Monday, December 21  to ensure a Christmas delivery.

Happy Holidays!

Where Work and Play Meet, SONAR Leads

When we say Cakewalk products are “created by musicians for musicians” we really mean it. Case in point, our CTO Noel Borthwick performs, records and produces music on the side. In November, Noel made an acoustic jazz album featuring Ramona Borthwick (piano, vocals) and a throng of amazing talent – Ingrid Jensen (trumpet), Johannes Weidenmeuller (bass), Adam Cruz (drums) and Noel on Guitar.

    <a href="">Who&#8217;s Your Mama by Ramona Borthwick</a>

The album, One of Us, was entirely edited and mixed in SONAR. Although, Noel was working on an older under-powered computer throughout the entire production process, that didnt stop SONAR from performing seamlessly.

“I was typically working with 24-32 tracks at one time, all recorded in high definition audio format at 24/96 khz, mixed in SONAR at 64-bit resolution and mastered at 24/96 khz” says Noel, “For the first part of the project I started out running SONAR 8.3.1, where I set up the initial projects, did the bussing setup and initial editing. I soon moved to SONAR 8.5 (which was in beta at the time) for main editing and mixing.”

To learn more about the ‘One of Us’ project and get exclusive tips & tricks on using SONAR as the ‘brains’ of your music production, visit Noel’s Blog.

NOTE: If you’re in the Boston area, see the band play live on February 17, 2010 at 9:00pm at Ryles Jazz Club in Inman Square, Cambridge, MA.

Cakewalk Announces New SONAR 8.5.2 Update

S85screenToday, Cakewalk announces a free update for SONAR 8.5 Producer and SONAR 8.5 Studio! Registered SONAR 8.5 Producer, SONAR 8.5 Studio, and V-Studio 700 customers can download the 8.5.2 update* for free.

The SONAR 8.5.2 update offers over 100 usability enhancements, plug-in/component optimizations, and new features. These enhancements also address various performance issues across the entire application. All of these new and exciting features found in the SONAR 8.5.2 update are a direct result of active dialog with our users. Cakewalk’s delivery of timely product updates is an extension of Cakewalk’s commitment in providing the very best in product support for our customers.

* The 8.5.2 Update for Windows XP, Vista, and, Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit) versions of SONAR 8.5 is available as a free download to all registered SONAR 8.5 and V-Studio 700 customers at:, the Unofficial Apple Weblog, Explores the Versatility of V-Studio 100

Mac+VS100_v1Josh Carr, a reporter for the unofficial Apple weblog,, is slowly migrating from his analog mixer to the world of digital audio workstations. In studio, Josh uses Logic Pro for his music production needs. During the past two weeks, he has managed to learn the ins and outs of the V-Studio 100 as a DAW Controller and SD Recorder. In his review, Josh comments on how versatile the unit really is:

“When you toss in the SD card of your choosing, you’re able to record individual tracks for later synchronization… set it up at your latest show and record it for critiquing or a low budget live album… you can even toss an already-produced track from your computer onto the SD Card and use if for live playback… if you’re a one man band like me.”

Keeping the holiday season in mind, Josh recommends the V-Studio 100 as a great gift for the musician making the jump from analog mixer to DAW controller and for someone setting up a home studio on a budget.

Read Josh’s full review of Cakewalk’s V-Studio 100 at

Amplify your Home Recordings with Guitar Tracks Pro’s Brian Stolte, mainly a Garageband / Mac OS user, pulled out his Windows XP laptop recently to try out Cakewalk’s Guitar Tracks Pro 4 and was pleasantly surprised at the wealth of tools available for the guitar player turned home recording guru. “As compared to Garageband from Apple, one of the first things I noticed was there were a lot more options and features for each track,” he wrote.

Stolte was impressed by the wealth of ‘extras’ Guitar Tracks Pro offers. “Beyond the recording software, Cakewalk has included a demo version of Guitar Rig 3 to provide you with a ton of amp modeling options,” he noted. Later, he found that “the ability to generate tablature or notation from any MIDI track is handy for exporting individual parts for band mates.”

Apple and Garageband customers are notoriously loyal to their OS but, even Stolte had to give some props to Guitar Tracks Pro: “Overall I thought Guitar Tracks Pro 4 performed very well on my laptop and provided a very good solution to a guitar player looking for a way to create and record new songs. I found myself using the application to record guitar parts and riffs along with some backing drum tracks.”

Read Brian’s full review at

Tim Wynn Scores Inspirational Film, 'To Save A Life' (2010)

TSALPostersmComposer and dedicated SONAR user, Tim Wynn of Sonic Fuel Studios, scored the music for the new inspirational film, To Save A Life (New Song Pictures), set to release on January 22, 2010. The film promotes the importance of making sacrifices to help others in a time of need. In the movie, Jake Taylor’s life is turned upside down, after a childhood friend’s death, and he is forced to make a decision that could change his life forever.

Visit the To Save A Life official website to read the synopsis, listen to the music and sign up to make a difference.

Building a Better DAW with SONAR 8.5

blogcritics_logoSoftware Developer and Sci/Tech Reviewer at,  T. Michael Testi likes what he sees in the new version of Cakewalk’s flagship digital audio workstation, SONAR. With improvements made to its mainstay features including Session Drummer, AudioSnap and Step Sequencer, SONAR is transforming into a simpler and more tangible product for those new to the music production world.

Session Drummer 3 sports a 3D photo-realistic drum kit with 200+ pre-loaded percussive sounds and 20+ new kits. AudioSnap 2.0 employs a cleaner user interface with a dedicated transient tool and proportional stretching mode to make timing adjustments in several places a cinch. Step Sequencer 2.0 brings more flexibility to composing patterns by grid with brand new tools for auto-populate and per-step probability.

“With SONAR 8.5,” says Testi, “it was all about the optimization of the features that were (already) there… These (features) will not only improve your production, but will get your creative juices going”

See what’s new and improved in SONAR 8.5 Producer on the The Ram Review at

Chartjackers Take Over UK Billboard Charts to Benefit Charity

ChartJackersWith the development of social networking sites, the internet has made it easier than ever for musicians to create, promote and market their musical talents to the world.  Many use MySpace Music as an unofficial Electronic Press Kit, Twitter as their concert promoter and Youtube as their own personal MTV.

Four teenagers in the UK have pushed the envelope of the music industry, as their crowd-sourced single has reached #1 on the Billboard Indie charts. A BBC television program, Chartjackers, documents the teens quest to break into the UK music charts and benefit the “Children In Need” charity.

Beginning in September 2009, the “Chartjackers” – Charlie, Alex, Johnny and Jimmy – built the project from scratch asking for the goodwill and participation of those watching on the internet. With no previous experience in producing music videos, the group pieced together the entire project via the Chartjackers Youtube Channel, constructing the music video, step by step, with audience comments and video replies in under ten weeks.

Continue reading “Chartjackers Take Over UK Billboard Charts to Benefit Charity”

An Affordable Alternative for Mobile Recording

VS-100-Multiple_Screenshots_Black_BGRecording your music, whether on the road or in studio, can be a costly venture. Expenses for instruments, equipment, session time and sound engineers can land you in serious debt. Many of today’s musicians take the DIY approach, either hiring friends in the biz or building their own home studios, to save time, money and resources.

Cakewalk’s V-Studio 100 is a perfect companion for the ‘new age’ musician. An all in one portable music studio, the V-Studio 100 is a high quality audio and MIDI interface, DAW controller, digital mixer and SD Recorder. You can take the unit to a live gig, plug in your instruments, and record the entire show with an SD card. With it’s on-board effects (Reverb, EQ, Compression), the V-Studio 100 doubles as a digital mixer during your live performance. Prefer to record in your home studio? The V-Studio 100 is also Mackie-control friendly, compatible with both Mac and PC DAWs.

As described in the latest issue of Tape Op, the V-Studio 100 is a “very cost-effective package for recording.” The reviewer, Alan Tubbs, goes on to say, “I’m sure you could rig up a similar system out of various components, but it wouldn’t be as compact and would most likely cost more.”

Pick up the latest issue of Tape Op magazine to learn how Cakewalk’s V-Studio 100 can save you more than just a few dollars.