SONAR 8 is 'an Audio Mechanics Dream'

Chris Maguire, record producer and owner of, recently re-wired his studio to run SONAR 8 Producer. After using SONAR to record various session work, Maguire published an extensive review of the new upgrade, giving major props to the DAW’s versatility and sound quality.

“SONAR 8 Producer is intuitive and makes complete sense straight out of the box but is MUCH deeper than meets the eye and holds gems for users as their skills progress.”

“There is so much packed into SONAR 8 in fact that even a seasoned user such as myself never really touches the surface of what it can do…”

“LP-64 Multiband – Excellent Multiband Compressor that will allow even novices to get mastered mixes at levels expected.”

“TL-64 Tube Leveler – Awesome for adding Tube Warmth to your mixes or two individual entities in a mix.”

Macguire also compliments SONAR’s new workflow enhancements including the improved transport controls, the audio engine optimizations (arm/disarm tracks, ability to change audio settings without restart) and the endless array of VSTs and effects  hosted in one package.

“(It’s) a mechanics toolbox worth of useful tools, fx and instruments. It’s an audio mechanics dream.”

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