Organization during a session is a skill that should come second nature to any engineer or artist. Some aspiring engineers are reluctant to see the value in organization until they receive a session that has a track count higher than their usual intake. One of the best tips that just about anyone can benefit from is organizing your tracks by color.
Color organization is a new feature within SONAR X3 and supports just about any shade you need to organize your tracks.
By hovering under the number of the track in the console view or to the left of each number in the track view then you will notice that a hit point becomes active and displays a color picker when clicked.
The supplied color picker has a set of default color schemes for quick selection.
To get more colors select the “Others” button and a more complex color window will appear. Here you can assign your favorite colors from the the supplied selections and color wheel.
In order to use this custom color option:
Select which Custom Color bar you want to fill
Make sure to raise the < arrow to the right of the color wheel/selector.
Pick your color
Select [Add to Custom Colors]
Enabling Quick Groups allows you to select and change multiple tracks at the same time. Do this by selecting all the tracks you want changed and then holding Control while you pick your colors.
Another way to assign multiple tracks to one color is by busing your group of tracks and having the “Follow Bus” setting enabled on the color picker.
After that simply change the color of your bus and your tracks will follow in real-time.
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